Jenkins is the way to easy development

Digital Transformation for eCommerce Clients in Indonesia

Authored By Jenkins User Mohammad Hanif
When it was time to build a more efficient automated platform to support rapid app development, the engineers at this Jakarta-based Fintech software company turned to Jenkins.
Organization: Esalaam Web Production, <>
Industries: eCommerce
Programming Languages: Java, Node.js
Platform: : Android, iOS, Docker or Kubernetes, Linux
Version Control System: GitLab
Build Tools: Gradle, Maven
Community Support: Spoke with colleagues and peers

Software build & deploy automation allows for new feature development without distraction.

Background: Working for a solution integrator company out of Jakarta, Indonesia, we focus primarily on providing solutions in the financial services and eCommerce industries. We provide digital products and solutions such as mobile banking, internet banking, loyalty & reward systems, e-wallet, and digital payments to fulfill the need for digital transformation and rapid time-to-market.

Goals: Our goal was to better power our client's eCommerce platforms by creating a pipeline for software builds in support of Android and iOS super apps. We also wanted to explore automating deployments and the app publishing process to the Apple App Stores and the Google Playstore.

Solution & Results: Using continuous integration (CI) in our software development process was game-changing. We were able to check every commit by testing and immediately know if something has gone wrong. All tests run on another server, so we can continue working on developing new features without distractions. Then we made things even easier by using the Fastlane plug-in, a super-assistant for streamlining deployment to the App Store. We also found Jenkins to be a big help with DevOps & CI primarily by automating unit testing.

Our results showed us how inefficient our process had been previously. Here are some general findings:

Jenkins gives many solutions to make software development faster and more efficient.
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Mohammad Hanif
DevOps Engineer
  • build times are 10x faster
  • we have a shortened development cycle
  • testing has shown that we have minimize defects before deployment