Jenkins is the way to reduce time to market in software development

CI/CD Cross-platform for Development Software

Authored By Jenkins User Irvin Bonilla
This Spain-based company was challenged to implement the creation of a Continuous Integration environment to allow dynamic workers in Jenkins.
Organization: Kairos DS, <>
Team Members: Daniel Majano, DevOps Engineer
Industries: Security
Programming Languages: C/C++, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python
Platform: : Android, Docker or Kubernetes, Linux, Windows
Version Control System: Bitbucket Server, GitLab
Build Tools: Gradle, Maven
Community Support: websites & blogs, Spoke with colleagues and peers

K8s Plugins for Jenkins dynamic workers lead to zero downtime in business hours.

Background: The principal implementation challenge was the creation of a CI environment to allow dynamic workers in Jenkins. The K8s plugins for Jenkins were the greatest ally. In addition, dynamic workers show the responsibility to use the right values for memory and CPU requests in the K8s cluster managed by Jenkins Master. We got measures from distinct pod types to choose the request values.

Goals: Reduce the time to market. Agility in software development.

Solution & Results: The solution was the monitorization over Jenkins master and Jenkins dynamic workers. The request values ( CPU and memory) in our K8s cluster are based on pod type by technology, build tools, and business platform. This solution provides the efficient use of the K8s cluster.

Key capabilities include:

Jenkins rocks because it has the biggest and greatest community and there are a lot of plugins!
profile picture
Irvin Bonilla
DevOps Engineer, Kairos DS
  • K8s Plugins for Jenkins dynamic workers
  • Plugin for exposing monitoring endpoints such as a Prometheus plugin
  • Bitbucket multibranch plugin for use or SCM
  • In addition, the best feature of Jenkins is the worldwide community

We are happy with the results:

  • Dynamic workers
  • Request values by pod type in k8s cluster
  • Infrastructure as a code using helm chart official
  • Zero downtime in business hours
  • Faster upgrades