Jenkins is the way to revolutionize the integration of new technologies

Providing Desktop and Mobile E-commerce Solutions for Automobile and Retail Sectors

Authored By Jenkins User Cyril Tavian
For the creation of this online automotive marketplace, a dynamic, stable infrastructure was a key driver.
Organization: IT Consultancy
Industries: Automotive e-commerce, IT
Programming Languages: Java, Node.js
Platform: : Android, iOS, Windows
Version Control System: Bitbucket Server
Build Tools: Ant, Maven
Community Support: Jenkins Users Google Group or IRC Chat, websites & blogs

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, integration of new features are cut from 24 hours to just a half-day.

Background: Garages, auto repair services, and body shops need a new solution to help them find the right car part, available and delivered in just hours, rather than weeks or longer. Our idea was to create an online marketplace that lists a garage's favorite wholesalers and distributors to make daily searches for car parts and supplies easier and faster.

Goals: Our goal was unique. We were looking to create a digital experience allowing users to find spare parts for automobiles with the references of the garages for small and medium structures. However, we were challenged by code reviews, integration methodology, test-driven development (TDD), and CI/CD platforms.

Solution & Results:

We started looking for a flexible solution that would allow us to integrate new technologies into our projects. Jenkins appeared to us as the most suitable solution thanks to its plugin catalog. Once our orchestrator was installed, we started by using simple jobs. The difficulty was to maintain jobs properly, which forced us to go through Jenkinsfile pipelines. This made it possible to create CI/CD chains.

Our work has been simplified and easily integrated and adopted by our various teams, thanks to Jenkins.
profile picture
Cyril Tavian
DevOps Consultant

Subsequently, we wanted to include a validation circuit in our pipeline in order to facilitate a department/manager to interact with the work related to his field. This would allow the traceability of the actions of each department team. The plugin solution that seemed to us the most intuitive was "Jenkins BlueOcean" with its user-friendly interface.

Besides Blue Ocean, we also used the Docker cloud plugin for building deliverables on Docker nodes, the AWS Steps plugin for actions related to our cloud supplier of cloud, the SonarScanner plugin for code coverage, and the Bitbucket plugin for interaction with our SCM tools.

In large part, our work has been simplified and easily integrated and adopted by our various teams, thanks to Jenkins. The securing of the production line has been confirmed and mastered. The direct interaction with the CI job is no longer present, allowing us to focus on our businesses.

We were very happy working with Jenkins. Here's why:

  • time-saving on integrating new features in the form of a pipeline, less than half a day versus a full day
  • better management of pull requests after the code review
  • simplified validation circuit, the deployment of the deliverable is now possible in one day instead of three on all of our environments (integration, validation, and production)